Part of the fun of music is knowing how.
When a student is able to recreate a composer 's work, an amazing transfer of knowledge across time had happened.
In a sense, this is mystical, yet the process is based on science.
The investment in music is paid back with achievements in many areas of life, more than the immediate musical one.
What our experienced trained teachers bring as a school:
- piano
- voice
- guitar
- performance
- songwriting
- recording arts
- full commercial recording studio
- record student progress
- student recitals.
- community performance opportunities
- zoom & skype internet lessons.
- in person lessons
- safe germ-free environment
We can do internet lessons if there is bad weather, travel restrictions or illness.
We don't just talk about solving climate change, we solved it right in our home and teaching studios.
For example:
We run the entire home / school studios from our own DIY roof top solar system with battery backup. Day or night we are running directly from real time solar or solar that was stored earlier in the same day. We are able to run March - September (7 months) nearly 100% solar this way. Imported wind power supplements during the winter months while still using solar & battery backup.
The net effects? Zero harmful emissions for the air our students breathe.
All our transportation is also zero emission as we use our solar to power our electric vehicles.
We are helping to protect our environment and the air students and all of us must breathe.
We choose not to fly to save our environment and air.
We choose to change our diet to eliminate as much pollution as possible, we went mostly vegan.
Do a little every day to get to a large result!

Contrary to popular belief
Strictly speaking, musical talent is best described as a continuum. There are the musically super talented on one end at the opposite spectrum end, the super musically not as talented.
In simple terms, those that practice, create & play the music and those that play the radio or stream the music.
In truth, some are naturally talented. These people are born with a set of hardwired brain connections that are necessary to quickly achieve high levels of musical ability as if by magic. The rest of us can acquire these networks by repeated exposure and practice. So it is with many things that require skill.
Desire can also be put on a musical continuum. Some people desire to be musical super stars but lack the necessary skills. Others have the needed skills but lack the desire to employ that talent and prefer to play the radio. Most of us are somewhere in the middle. We can improve and acquire more talent by learning and practicing.
The good news is that learning music is not a contest, it is a personal achievement which has immediate and lifelong benefits.
Think about it. Using left and right hands to produce completely different rhythm & musical note results plus singing and reciting words requires many brain parts of the brain: motor & speech coordination along with pitch and breath control.
It’s kind of like inventing the paper clip.
How many uses can you think of for a paper clip?
Many variations many passages
We are there every step of the way, through every part of the process.

Long established fact
The brain lights up with music input and output
We all see all, eventually
Music is multi-dimensional. Like the visual arts, music paints a sonic vision in the brain of the listener. If you're the performer, you experience this twice. If the composer, visions are experienced for a lifetime.
It is possible to look at a painting hundreds of times and always see something new on the next inspection. Art is like that. Music is a form of art. The communication between the artist and listener is considered unique, esoteric and spiritual by many. That is why we teach composition & songwriting.

Music is a framework for a successful, productive life.

about us
We're in the neighborhood.
Part of the Zero-Emission community.
Our school, studio & home are powered by the sun from roof top solar .
Our transportation is 100% Zero-Emission EV also powered by our solar.
Not only is this a more secure way to live, but it won't pollute your student(s).
We eat organic vegan most of the time. We garden to raise some of our food.
We hope to continue as an inspiring example of living in harmony with nature.

Know More About US
We work to help develop students to be successful in their goals & aspirations. Part of the journey of discovery. Music is an excellent pathway to open more pathways in the brain that could not exist without the music learning process.
What we do ?
We start with the basics and build from there.